D4: District of Gray Eels#141620

Lao’s Primer

This pocket-sized primer aimed to educate people in the “three Rilaoan R’s” – Reading, (A)Rithmetic, Religion. Distributed by disciples of Lao, these primer became commonplace among undereducated, nationalistic, military personnel (i.e. non-officers).


Kelli Auerbach, Mary Fagot, Roger Parent, Frederick Marks, Takako Tajima

A round metallic shaped object that describes gods, skies, and basic counting skills.

J9: Echo Canyons#140596


Gil is an experimental researcher who is using coral to treat ill patients. His students look after one patient each, and broadcast their progress via a live feed “TV show” led by Gil.


Sunil Kalwani, Megan Elliott, QiYuan Li, Lynda Dorf, Jonathan Knowles

Links, Media

C3: Red Highlands#140660

Iria-Bau Confection

The Stem community of the Red Highlands contains a high concentration of the indigenous Reitai people whose education system is story-based and led in circular groups by a storyteller. This cave-like playhouse built into the cliffside we discovered is carved with elaborate myth and teaching stories. Children dress in costumes with masks carved of muka wood and serve a meringue-like, sun-dried confection made of muka nuts and lulai berries as a final closing act of each play.

We found the recipe in ancient books as well as review of a performance from the 1930s.


Idea by Jericca Cleland; Execution by Ioana Badea, Robyn Baker, Erin Bradner + Tara McPherson.

F6: Sky Ring#140957

Child in the time of Plague

A little boy rose up under the shadow of the sky ring. He has friends under quarantine. The son of a fisherman, lacking any opportunity he rose up to become plague doctor.


Originally penned by Justin Barber, modified by Will Carey and Mark McKenna, drawing by Peter Rubin with Christine Schreyer and Judith Crow

B2: The Narrows#140560

Rilao Travel Guide

This travel bopok is more inspired by Rilao’s virtual representations of other countries than by actual facts. It reflects the lack of communication with the outside world that Rilaoans had for centuries and that persist to the present. It depicts Africa as one giant country inhabited by one ruling tribe and the United States as a snowy wasteland.


Bill Desowitz, Peter Sapienza

The final project ended up being more of a positive viewbook about the Narrows district
