G7: Twin Vales#141887

Aquatic Mining Chant

Rilaoan miners use mental control to operate robots on extraterrestrial asteroids in space.

These robots harbored in a communal marina on each asteroid, are sent deep into the subterranean crevasses of the asteroids to acquire rare aquatic space minerals – essential of the rilaoan economy.

To pass the time in the mines, these robots chant a subversive song about one day being free of their mentally controlling human captors.


evin mcmullen
Heather Barker
Philippe Bergeron
Judy Cosgrove
Ronni Kimm
Anne White

Links, Media

A1: Laoguna#123467

Nali Tatooed Body Washes Up in Narrows

A body was found washed up on the shores just outside of the Narrows. The body had the classic tattoo of the Nali district. The entire torso of the body was covered with the avian tattoo and it’s believed that he was some kind of priest of a rumored revolutionary cult. Subsequent investigations found a cavern where disciples of the cult seem to burn the image of their hand into the wall as a sign of allegiance.


Tawny Schlieski, Matt Yurdana, Gabriel

G7: Twin Vales#140943

Live Document Bollu

After zipping to the marina on the cable car lines people randomly enter the Bollu game. As the zippers land, they drop onto an interactive surface. This document is live and acts to direct the new players to the optimal place within the game.


Heather, Gigi, Amy, Amanda, Mohammed, Terry

Links, Media

B2: The Narrows#140560

Rilao Travel Guide

This travel bopok is more inspired by Rilao’s virtual representations of other countries than by actual facts. It reflects the lack of communication with the outside world that Rilaoans had for centuries and that persist to the present. It depicts Africa as one giant country inhabited by one ruling tribe and the United States as a snowy wasteland.


Bill Desowitz, Peter Sapienza

The final project ended up being more of a positive viewbook about the Narrows district

B2: The Narrows#140560

USB Drive from the Future

A USB Drive in the shape of a coral contains all the knowledge from the future – the year 2035… but it will take some effort to decode it. Meanwhile, online conspiracy theorist Edward Rilaoden is already starting to rally Rilaoans around him, using the flash drive as an entry point into government conspiracies. Take a look at his twitter feed @rilaoden !


Peter Sapienza, Bill Desowitz, Shannon Kraemer, George Carstocea
